Monday, February 11, 2013

The Author Can't Hold his Liquor

Here is a piece from "Vintage Versage", Robin Blackburne's collection of Comic Verse


When nine tenths drunk I oft compose
Some quite respectable Greek prose.
It seems the syntax rings quite freely
Clear as any Campanile.

But when it comes to writing verse
I must be sober, which is worse
Than every other known condition
 Barring maybe malnutrition.

Thus in a state of abstinence
I reach for ink with confidence
To pen a verse or two of Rhyme
Then sip a glass of Rudesheim.

I love thee demon alcohol
Thy virtues I will e'er extol
But when it comes to Rhyme and Metre
"Never drink one centilitre".

This Maxim is extremely boring,
But unless I stick to it I get everything all muddled up and back asswards and the only word I can think of to rhyme with "boring" is "deploring" which is probably quite appropriate in the context but since I'm now on my fourth glass of Rudesheim I can't get it to fit in the line which bloody well won't scan proper either and my grammer ain't so good to say nothing of my compelling spelling so.....

When I scribe in verse I choose
To lay entirely off the booze.

                                                               Robin Blackburne
                                                                        From Vintage Versage

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